Brown Deer has gone through numerous stages of development...from its early days in the late '20s, '30s and '40s, when things remained somewhat the same. In the 50s and 60s, when golf started to boom, the course made a few minor changes but the abundance of huge elm and oak trees placed great emphasis on accuracy. Fortunately, the greens were manageable because they were cut at a slower rate (probably 7-8 on the stimp as we now know). When the elm trees disappeared in the late '60s the course weakened....then an eyesore when it became a depository for most of the rainwater runoff in the area.
When the MCPC decided to plant new trees and change the fairway grass to bent, along with a modification of some of the holes, it completely changed its image...and playability. Then came the GMO (now US Bank)and the Brown Deer image grew even greater. It's a wonderful golf course, playable by almost everyone. It's very walkable, yet provides a complete test for goflers of all abilities. Brown Deer can hold its head up high as a quality muni golf course...perhaps as good as any in the country. Milwaukeeans can be proud of Brown Deer. Me thinks designer George Hansen would be tickled to see what he created...and how it looks today.
Posted by G. Haas on 03/28/2006 - This review has been viewed 10,719 times.